Heart of Tao Wellness

I am

I have been guiding Yoga for folks since 2010, both privately and in various group settings:
From yoga studios, recreation centers, rehabilitation facilities, military bases, kid's art camps, and schools to corporate offices. My yoga training includes trauma-informed therapy as well.
I taught multiple weekly classes for nearly eight years while living in Dallas, Texas.
In 2013 I had my initial Reiki training & attunement, which has opened me up to a vast & ever-evolving energy work practice over the last ten years. I received my initiation and attunement to Master Holy Fire Reiki in January 2024. 
In 2014 I was introduced to the art of Vedic Thai yoga bodywork. I fell in love, and soon after, I enrolled in my first training with Mukti Buck and followed up with many more hours of certification later on with my teacher, Shama, out of Thailand. 
Somewhere in there, I became an ordained minister with the church of Life and officiated three ceremonies. 
In 2018, I relocated to Fort Worth. I decided the timing was advantageous to take a break from group yoga (outside of a handful of donation-based pop-up sessions) to focus on furthering my bodywork education and building a Fort Worth clientele. I maintained my one-on-one yoga sessions the whole time. 
I was certified in Cognitive behavioral therapy in 2019/20 and am continuously progressing with my CBT education at a turtle's pace.
Around that same time, I found resonance for Acutonics healing and bio-tuning. I have trained in and begun developing a relationship with sound and frequency medicine for the last five years [2018], using tuning forks and hand chimes.
After years of offering Thai bodywork, moving from the Thai floor mat to the massage table was a natural evolution of my somatic health and wellness work. I became a licensed massage therapist in 2020, ten years after the initial thought seed was planted. My path came full circle and continues to expand (or unravel) from here. What a gift that you are all a part of!

 My Latest Interview




